
May 2022
May 15, 2022
1 maintenance

Test run scaling maintenance


Resolved May 15 at 07:45am PDT

We are changing the way scaling works for test runs. This requires us to migrate our database and have a short window of downtime for test runs. Test runs will resume after maintenance.

May 11, 2022
1 maintenance

Emergency downtime to restore proper database backups


Resolved May 11 at 06:00am PDT

Due to problems with database backups, we are taking a short downtime to switch to some newer database infrastructure. Runs that were started before the downtime may fail but should succeed when rerun.

May 10, 2022
1 maintenance

Infrastructure upgrade


Resolved May 10 at 07:29am PDT

This is completed

1 previous update

June 2022
No maintenance
July 2022
No maintenance